Ask For Support And Guidance From Your Higher Self
What is the Higher Self? It is that part of us that is more evolved, more aware, more noble than who we generally perceive ourselves to be. Think of those times when you have done something for another unselfishly. Where you sacrificed something you desired for the higher good of another or perhaps saw a solution to a problem that was not clear to you previously. These are some indications that you have made contact with your Higher Self. The following exercise will help you to invoke the attributes of your Higher Self more frequently.
In meditation or some other quiet space call upon your Higher Self to assist you in dealing with the challenges, concerns and fears that you experience in your daily life. Ask for its assistance to help you be more present and in your body. Ask for its assistance to help you understand actions or situations that are perplexing, regardless whether they are small or of great concern. Think of your Higher Self as a trusted advisor and consultant - someone who has greater wisdom, awareness and understanding of the situation at hand. You will be surprised how inviting your Higher Self to take a more active role in your life will help you to open to greater awareness and overall satisfaction..
When you ask for guidance from your Higher Self, the response may not provide a clear or specific answer. Your Higher Self wants you to gain the benefit of the experience without its interference. So if you were to ask for understanding of a particular situation, your Higher Self might offer a hint or clue that nudges you in the direction of the answer without giving it away. As you experiment with different requests, you will become more aware of the nuances of that your Higher Self uses to interact with you.